Serving You Better
Smart Quarry Study provides insightful information designed to help operations optimize productivity with the proper equipment
Is your fleet the right size to maximize your quarry operation? Are you most effectively hauling from the face to the crusher? Do you know your hourly costs and how your practices are affecting them?
Questions like these and more can be answered with Smart Quarry Study, one of the Smart Quarry solutions offered by Komatsu. Smart Quarry Study provides:
- Knowledgeable support when job planning
- Valuable insight tailored for your operation
- Confidence that your fleet is right for the job

“Ideally, Smart Quarry Study is a boots-on-ground meeting with customers at their location or locations to get a complete understanding of what they want to achieve,” said Craig McGinnis, Senior Business Solutions Manager for Komatsu, noting that remote study analysis is a possibility. “Maybe they are thinking about replacing equipment, want to increase production, or expand their pit. Through a Smart Quarry Study, we look at their operations and make recommendations designed to help them reach their goals.”
McGinnis added that Smart Quarry Study can help operations better understand how equipment and other factors affect performance, to assist in the making of cost-effective purchasing decisions. He also emphasized that it’s brand-agnostic.
“By comparing different class sizes, we can give you information related to more efficient costs per hour, per ton and per yard,” McGinnis explained. “Everything is based on each operation’s unique factors, and the resulting recommendations are tailored to them, no matter what equipment they use. We crunch the numbers and come up with a total cost of ownership. We really get down to a unit cost or dollar per ton of material moved and ways to improve those.”

Unique, local factors
McGinnis is part of Komatsu’s Smart Quarry team. Each member has extensive knowledge in quarry operations.
“The best way to get started is to contact your Komatsu distributor, who can help get a Smart Quarry Study set up,” said McGinnis. “From there, we reach out to the customer and gather some information about what they want to accomplish, then schedule the study at a convenient time. Once we have all the data put together, we present it to the customer to help them make more informed decisions.”
McGinnis continued, “If you want to monitor your operation in more detail with continual tracking tools, we also offer Smart Quarry Site. This tool, which is also brand-agnostic, can help you understand if you’re getting the most from your equipment and operators, to help improve production and performance, as changes occur.”
To learn more about Smart Quarry solutions, visit https://www.komatsu.com/en/technology/smart-quarry/